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Sponsorship Opportunity

Watertown Savings Bank gives back to local communities. We appreciate what you do for your neighbors.

Kelly Cronin and Watertown Savings Bank at a town event

Sponsorship and Donations Opportunities

Watertown Savings Bank is proud to be a responsible corporate citizen and a friend to local organizations in Arlington, Belmont, Lexington, Waltham, and Watertown. We focus sponsorships and donations on organizations that promote affordable housing or provide programs directed at low to moderate-income individuals or households. We also support organizations focused on the well-being of children, families, those with special needs, and veterans. Finally, we also recognize the importance of organizations focusing on the arts.

Last year, Watertown Savings Bank donated over $350,000 to nearly 400 local organizations such as Arlington Children’s Theatre, All Newton Music School, Belmont S.P.O.R.T., Watertown's and Waltham's Boys and Girls Clubs, Parent-Child Home Program, Watertown Community Foundation, and more!



Watertown Savings Bank honors hundreds of requests for donations per year. As that number steadily grows, to ensure that we continue our tradition of community involvement, and to comply with Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) regulations, we have established the following set of guidelines:

  • Organizations and/or their members that have a relationship with WSB will be given priority.
  • Donations are restricted to non-profit organizations headquartered in areas where Watertown Savings Bank is active in, including Arlington, Belmont, Lexington, Newton, Waltham, and Watertown.
  • Watertown Savings Bank does not provide funding to individuals, or religious or political groups.
  • Requests are reviewed by committee on a monthly basis.
  • All requests must be submitted at least one month ahead of the deadline.
  • Organizations should complete a Request for Donations form.*

*Please note: We are unable to accept any requests verbally or over the telephone.

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For organizations unable to submit the electronic Request for Donations form above, you are welcome to mail in the printable version of the Request for Donations form and send it to:

Watertown Savings Bank
Community Relations Office
60 Main Street
Watertown, MA 02472

Fax to: 617-972-9209 Attention: Community Relations
Email and attach your request to Kelly Cronin:

If Watertown Savings Bank is unable to grant a request, we will make every effort to notify the organization in writing. For questions regarding these guidelines or our Request for Donations form, please contact Kelly Cronin in Community Relations at